Ramiro Torrents, a landscape photographer from Argentina, has cultivated a passion for capturing the beauty of landscapes through his photography.
“I like to think that we experience what we photograph through our five senses and that we must summarize them into just one in our photographs so that the viewer feels a sensation similar to the one we had.”
Over the years, his dedication has been recognized with numerous awards in esteemed international photography competitions.
Below are some of the notable recognitions he has received for his exceptional work:

- “34 Memorial Maria Luisa” Category Winner
- “LXXXIII Concurs de Fotografia del Centre de Excursionista de Terrassa˝ Overall winner
- “LXXIX Peñalara Mountain Photography Contest 2023˝ Overall winner
- “33 Memorial Maria Luisa” Honorable mention
- “CVCEPHOTO 2023” Double Honorable Mention
- “Glanzlichter 2023” Honorable Mention
- “III La Pedriza Mountain Photography Contest”, double Honorable Mention
- “XVI Moralzarzal Mountain Photo Contest 2022” Overall Winner
- “LXXVIII Peñalara Mountain Photography Contest 2022″ Honorable Mention
- “XIII International Photography Contest ASISAFoto” CEF Honorable Mention. Travelling category
- “X CIUTAT DE LA VILA JOIOSA” FIAP Silver Medal & CEF Honorable Mention
- “XV Moralzarzal Mountain Photo Contest 2021” Overall Winner
- “FOTONOJA 2021” Honorable Mention
- “LXXVII Peñalara Mountain Photography Contest 2021″ Honorable Mention
- “NARAVA 2021” Honorable Mention
- “LXXVI Peñalara Mountain Photography Contest 2020″ Overall Winner
- “XIV Moralzarzal Mountain Photo Contest 2020” Winner in Mobile Phone Photography
- “Digiphoto 2020” FIAP and PSA Honorable Mention
- “MontPhoto 2020” Honorable Mention in Mountain
- “Glanzlichter 2020” Highlight in Magnificient Wilderness
- “TIFA 2019” Subcategory Winner (Bronze) Nature-Landscapes
- “XXXI Premi de fotografia digital ÒSCAR RIBES 2019” Mountain category Winner
- “XVI Concurso de Fotografía de Montaña y Naturaleza de Oñati 2019” Second Prize in Mountain Settings
- “Cadiz Photo Nature 2019” Honorable Mention 4 in Men & nature
- “NARAVA 2019” PSA Honorable Mention
- “MontPhoto 2019” Honorable Mention in Mountain
- “IPA 2019” Honorable Mention. Nature: Landscapes
- “Maria Luisa Memorial 2019” Honorable Mention
- “Epson International Pano Awards 2018” Bronze Award
- “XII Moralzarzal Mountain Photo Contest 2018” Overall Winner
- “TIFA 2018” Subcategory Winner (Silver) Nature-Panoramic
- “IPA 2018” Honorable Mention. Nature: Landscapes
- “IPA 2018” First Place. Special: Panoramic
- “CVCEPHOTO 2018” Honorable Mention
- “ND Awards 2017” Honorable Mention in Fine art: Photomanipulation category
- “Fine Art Photography Awards” Nominee in its 4th edition
- “IPA 2017” Honorable Mention. Special: Night Photography
- “Su mejor foto 2016” from “Magazine” Runner-up award
- “IPA 2016” Honorable Mention. Fine Art: Landscape
- Norrøna “Welcome to Nature” May 2016 Winner