I’m a landscape photographer from Argentina, and before I tell you how my photography journey began, let me take you back in time a bit. I was born in November 1982 in Buenos Aires and spent my childhood in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Since 2004, I have lived in Barcelona.

As a child, I always loved acting and even pursued it for some time. Although I enjoyed it a lot, I soon discovered that I enjoyed being behind the camera even more. Initially, I studied cinema, but once I got my hands on a camera, there was no turning back. I couldn’t stop thinking about getting my own.

In 2008, during a trip to Thailand, I bought my first camera. Without any idea of how it worked, I taught myself its functions through many mistakes.

I explored different branches of photography until I went on a trip to New Zealand in 2014 and discovered landscape photography. Since then, I have continued to specialize in this niche.

I guide various photo tours around the world, and I’m also an instructor in photography courses at Paso de Luz, my photography academy.

I like to think that we experience what we photograph through our five senses and that we must summarize them into just one in our photographs so that the viewer feels a sensation similar to the one we had.

Some of my images can be seen in a variety of media outlets, such as National Geographic, Lonely Planet, The Guardian, Travel + Leisure, and others.

Articles, Interviews, and Publications

National Geographic
The Guardian
Lonely Planet
Patagon Journal Cover

Lonely Planet Iceland Guide
Travel + Leisure
Deck Travel Magazine
Patagon Journal Interview
Cyme Interview

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